Tuesday, April 24, 2012


This afternoon (Monday) after school, the boys & I built tents in the backyard.
I raided the linen closet for old sheets & blankets and gave them a bunch of stick, props, string & freedom.


What the picture below does not capture is the frustration of Big Bro to build anything, the adorable elation of little bro & my own "assistance" in rigging up the triple tent monstrosity.

In fact, the 15 minutes of quiet, peace and enjoyment they got out of the tent was surrounded by griping, whining, wheedling, & major pouting.

It seems we have to work So. Hard. to get to something good, something worth remembering. I wonder if it's worth it.

Truth be told, I sent them outside to play, so I could sit in the living room- alone. I watched them "go fish" in a bucket of water. Then add bubbles to the water. Then fight over the bubble maker (that's where the tent idea came in). It seems to hard for them to just be; it's certainly hard for me to let them be who they are. I want them to be: better behaved, less whiny (omg the whining), less demanding, & generally, quieter.

But we learned in training that you have to love them where they are, not where your expectation of them is...Lord knows, the two are sometimes very far apart.

EDITED UPON FURTHER REFLECTION: of course the weird thing here, is that the boys are so outgoing and don't fit with MY concept of what a"traumatized child" should look like that I often forget that they are with us for a reason...& therefore shouldn't be as irked as I am by some of their behaviors. Works in progress, all of us.

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