Sunday, February 24, 2013


The kiddos went for their first overnight visit with their Papi this Friday.

I was a little reluctant to let then go, but not too much. He was really excited and Miss M was up for it, so off they went.

We said they'd be back by 1 or 2 Saturdsy afternoon, which ended up being 2:30, which meant I was a little nerve wracked by the time they showed back up.

If course I quizzed M about the visit. She said it was fun, but that she woke up crying in the night, and her dad gave her a piece of candy to stop (?!).

And when I asked if she wanted to do it again next week, she was like, "mmmm, no; I just want to go play over there for a little bit and then come back here to sleep."

Hmmm. Interesting.

Last, but certainly not least, Papi took the kids to get haircuts (which we took them to get a few weeks ago, but...whatever) and Miss M came back with a bang trim and Baby A came back with a freakin buzz cut. OMG. It looks horrible. I've never seen it that short! He has a big scar on his scalp, a big "C" from the surgery he had following his abuse. With his hair long, you can't see it, with the buzz cut, it's exposed to the world.

It makes me sad; like, "yup, this is a damaged kid"- it's marked right there on his body. At least with his hair covering the scar he could "pass" for a normal toddler.

Just like we can pass for a normal family, until Miss M calls me by my first name or pipes up about what her "real" dad lets her do or not do. I just hope she doesn't get the bright idea that she needs a piece of candy when she has her next bad dream, cause THAT ain't happening!

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