Sunday, February 10, 2013

Full On Toddlerhood

Baby A is walking like a fiend! From really only starting to walk independently around Chrsistmas-time, he's now walking everywhere! And we've encouraged it. I make him walk from the changing table to his high chair for morning Cheerios, out to the car to go to daycare, etc.

So, I'm like insanely proud of him for walking like a big boy, but also a little annoyed.

He follows me everywhere, which Lola (our dog) already does. So now I've got two shadows! Hehe. It's pretty cute.

We went to Ohilbrook last weekend for their free 2nd Saturday event. Miss M & I did the art projects while Greg basically followed Baby A around, as he was exploring and having a grand time toddling up and down the ramps between floors.

He did great until near the end, when he turned into a slippery eel. If we tried to direct him by holding his hand, he'd either yank it out of our grasp or just immediately melt to the floor and start crying.

After he pulled that ish 3 or 4 times in a row, I blew the whistle on the excursion and we high tailed it to the car. Game over.

Still, we made it 2 hours or so, at the museum, before we hit Meltdown City.
I'll take what I can get!

How do you deal with toddler behaviors? What other joys of toddlerhood do I have to look forward to?

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