Sunday, September 23, 2012


Miss M often has a hard time falling asleep. We have an elaborate bedtime ritual that involves bedtime stories, fresh sippy cup of water, rubbing her back, double-checking the nightlight, etc. And then often she'll come complain of not being able to sleep, after she's been in bed for 10 whole minutes. It's frustrating, to say the least.

However, I've added a new technique to my arsenal, courtesy of "Yo Gabba Gabba."

Courtesy of a song called, "I can't sleep", we learned to visualize "happy thoughts". So last night, we laid together in the semi-dark of her bottom bunk and made the following list of things that make us happy:

Rainbows (her)
Kitty cats (her)
Riding bikes (her)
Walking Lola (me)
grapes (her)
Strawberries (me)
Coloring (her)
Swinging in a hammock (me)
Swinging in a kids' sized hammock (her)
New clothes (both)
Donuts with pink frosting (her)
Singing loud in the car (both- its our new thing)

Sweet sweet sleepy girl, now GO TO SLEEP!


  1. Lovely list! =) We are lucky here: he may have given up naps, but WB loves his bedtime.

  2. I'd love to be able to get a list like this going. I'll have to keep this idea for when baby girl grows up, as she doesn't want to miss anything, even for sleep.
