Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Single motherhood this is not

But damn if I don't have a lot more sympathy for those who ARE single moms after last night.

G is out of town for a last minute business trip & boy don't I know it.

I didn't realize how much I count on him for "backup". We tap in and out of of difficult situations (getting them out of bed in the morning) and behavior (refusing to take a shower) likes relay racers, sprinting and striving till someone else can take over.

Except, yesterday there was no one to relieve me. And the boys seemed to know it, because they double-downed on the fighting, the resistance, & generally being little shits.

For example, Big Bro pitched, count 'em, 4 different fits over the course of yesterday- one for not getting a sack lunch (only on Fridays), losing at Homework Champion, having to take a bath, having to sleep in his own bunk. AND I had to exercise the "nuclear option" 2 different times just to get Big Bro into bed- that is, for interested parties, threatening to cut off access to the Wii for the WEEK. This is one of those threats that I now realize would have totally sucked to had to have to follow through on, but I was just desperate enough to do it.

Fortunately, Big Bro loves Wii more than anything & so he complied, not without thinking about it for a minute.

I actually am concerned about what will happen when the boys go home to their single parent household. Will they run Her over like they try to do me? Will she learn how to encourage good behavior and not give in to bad behaviors? Will she want to hear any of this from me? I hope so. Part of the Bridge Program that we are in is to build relationship with the parent(s) of the foster kids that we have, so that a) we can stay in contact and b) to try an mentor the parent in good parenting skills, rather than just giving the kids back and we hope we don't see them back in foster care in a year ie traditional foster care. The Boys mom is warming up to us, but we're still aways from any kind of "mentoring" relationship.

Anyway, here's hoping that day 2 without G goes better. And that I don't have to take away anyone's Wii privileges. Please, not the Wii!

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