Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Things I feel guilty about, presented without comment:

1. Submitting the kids for DHS Christmas gift program.

2. Signing up miss M for Free and Reduced lunch program.

3. Taking advantage of the daycare being open till 6, by running errands or catching a power nap in the parking lot.

4. Feeling a sliver of empathy for Baby A's abuser. God, when that kid screams he absolutely rattles my brains.

5. Neglecting quality time with my husband for quality time with my pillow.



  1. BOO to the state (physical location or emotional situation) that you're in which is making you feel guilty about these things. All of the programs you're using are there FOR you and those kids -- that's the whole point!!! That is why we vote Democrat and pay our taxes when we have money and accept assistance when we don't: that's how society is supposed to work.

    For the record, I usually leave WB in daycare and work from 3:35 to 4:30 or 5:00 (when daycare closes) so that I can get something done after the students leave -- if I take Wyatt straight home, I can't get anything done.

    I also grew up on reduced price school lunch, and I'm thankful my mom & dad filled out the paperwork and made sure I had nutritious food every day. And when I give presents to "giving trees," your kids are the very ones I'm buying for and hoping will receive the gifts. =)

    And: There is honest understanding of why people snap -- babies are HARD. And: Husbands know you need sleep. They know it will even out in time. That's why marriages are decades-long endeavors, not monthly-renewal contracts.

    Love to you. <3

  2. Oh girl. I can so relate to this list. But I've learned not to let the guilt creep in. You can't. You are doing something amazing -- on top of how hard a regular life can be, you've taken on extra stress! Good grief, cut yourself some slack. It really does take a village, and daycare and reduced or free lunch is part of that village when it comes to fostering! :)
