Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Baby

This baby was supposed to be "really easy, really good". And he is, the majority of the time.

Except for when he's teething. Then he's a jerk who cries for no reason. Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal, but this made me cry too.. Why? Because I have strep throat. Of course I do!

I actually postponed my 30th Birthday party this Saturday (we won't talk about the day itself), because of said illness. And have spent the past 4 days bemoaning my fate...and glaring at the baby for usurping my position as most pitiful person in the house. Dang baby.

Otherwise, yes, he's great- sweet, goofy, sleeps a lot, eats well, loves to swim and generally charms everyone.
We like him. We're keeping him. And his sister.

Yup. Permanent placement, ho!


  1. Vicki!!! This is huge! And awesome! Congrats!

  2. How wonderful. When can my Iphs come play with them? ;)

  3. I hope you feel better! And, yep... teething babies kind of suck, especially when you aren't feeling good. But, then again, the idea of teeth ripping there way out of my gums would make me cranky as well. I'd love to have been able to see you with him though! What does permanent placement mean?
